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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Health Tip:

What's on your plate?

If you're trying to lose weight or create a healthy meal plan, the first place you should look is right on your plate.

According to the American Deabetes Association, you should perform this review of your plate at mealtime to be sure that it contains these portions of different food types:

Ø      About one-fourth of your plate should contain starches such as rice, pasta, potatoes, corn or peas.

Ø      Another fourth of your plate should be filled with protein such as chicken, fish, meat or tofu.

Ø      One-half of your plate should contain non-starch vegetables like broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, salad, tomatoes or cauliflower.

Ø      Finish off the meal with a glass of skim milk, a piece of fruit or a small roll.

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